Monday, October 13, 2008

How I Met Your Mother - "Intervention"

How I Met Your Mother continues its season with another satisfying episode. Not their best episode, but certainly a good one.

The show started with a bang when Barney walked into the bar in 80-year-old-man makeup. In my opinion, this was easily one of his best pickup lines yet.

From there, the show broke into its usual easy stride, with a rapid succession of HIMYM brand flashback jokes. Although hilarious, I do have to say that I got kind of tired of them after the 5th or 6th flashback. It's a convention that HIMYM seems to have perfected, but I'd hate for them to kill it through overuse.

The plot itself was fairly typical HIMYM fare; Ted is about to make a major decision, the gang expresses hesitancy, Ted has second thoughts, and the episode is spent weighing pros and cons. But as always, the jokes did a great job of keeping the tried-and-true plotline fresh. I always love it when they exploit Robin's Canadian-ness (Canadianity?), and seeing her drunk, talking hockey, and in full accent was priceless.


I love this show because of the stuff like this:

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