Thursday, October 9, 2008

SNL - Election Special #1

SNL has been on a roll this season, mostly due to the fact that the election has provided them with plenty of great material. Tina Fey has helped out with a lot of that, but their sketches have been better than usual. With this upswing, we were treated to relentless commercials featuring Tiny Fey as Sarah Palin, suggesting perhaps she'd be back tonight.

Turns out she wasn't at all, nor was there even a slight mention of Palin. Instead we were treated to a mildly humorous take on Tuesday night's debate with Chris Parnell back as Tom Brokaw. Both Darrell Hammond and Fred Armeson have the mannerisms of both candidates down, but Armeson isn't very good as Obama. The sketch was pretty funny, but they've definitely done better. Weekend Update was pretty humorous too, but there wasn't a "Lockbox." There are two more of these election specials, so hopefully the next couple will make me less mad that "30 Rock" hasn't started yet.


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