Apologies for the all caps, but this is some exciting stuff: a new trailer for season 5 of Lost has just surfaced!!!
Obviously, there's nothing too concrete to take away from the trailer, but among the interesting things I noticed were a subliminal flash of the Dharma Initiative (while someone mysterious threatened the Losties with a gun; does Dharma survive or did Locke move the island backwards in time, and not forwards like I had been thinking?), a hand holding the compass that Richard Alpert showed to a young John Locke, and proof that Farraday lives. Also, everyone in the Oceanic Six gets more badass.
Speaking of Farraday, Noel Murray at the AV Club has an intriguing theory that Farraday may have gone to a different time when Ben moved the island, since he wasn't technically on the island when it happened. That could tie into the Farraday soundalike who showed up in this year's Comic-Con video. Is Daniel about to experience the Dharma purge firsthand? Is Radzinsky the guy in the Haz-Mat suit, as Doc Arzt suggests? Is Farraday Radzinsky????? (Probably not)
I've been trying to avoid reading anything too revealing about this season, but with Mad Men off the air, its nice to know my other obsession is lurking around the corner.
New Vivian Girls - When I'm Gone
15 years ago
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