Thursday, October 9, 2008

Gossip Girl - "The Serena Also Rises"

No new Gossip Girl this week, a fact that I will take advantage of to catch up on last week's installment. After "The Ex Files" I was expecting a little more fireworks out of this one, but all in all it was pretty solid.

The main focus was on frenemies this week, as the story lines brought together some of my favorite pairings on the show. The one that seemed the best in theory was Dan and Chuck hitting the town, however I have to admit that I was kind of disappointed by that one. The idea of the two of them spending time together seemed like it would be amusing, but I think we ultimately got too little of that. They rushed through the storyline to get to the big revelation about Chuck, a scene that I thought was played well, but that it may ultimately not be good for the show for Chuck to become too human. I also thought it was pretty weird that Dan brought a copy of his marked up short story with him. But I liked that he ultimately rebelled against the crazy writer and apparently wrote a good story about him instead (although that was a pretty predictable outcome).

Meanwhile, Blair felt threatened by Serena this week, the first time we've had such a storyline since the beginning of season one. I was hoping for all out war, but we weren't quite at that point yet. Or Serena wasn't, anyway, but Blair was doing some crazy things. My main problem with this was how much Blair directed her bile at Jenny, for no good reason. I get that she wasn't happy about the seating chart, and that Blair is evil, but I figured her Sun-Tzu side would know to fight the real enemy. Instead she spent most of the hour focusing her evil schemes on ruining Jenny and her mom's fashion show. Most of the plans didn't even seem directly aimed at any goal other than ruining the fashion show, which I just didn't get.

Fortunately, things picked up towards the end, as we got a very nice scene between Blair and Jenny that seems to indicate that the latter is directly aligned with the former. Does this mean Blair is becoming as out as Jenny? Is that one of those scenes we aren't really going to talk about next week? The other really great moment was the Serena-Blair showdown at the end. Both of them acted pretty childlishly (I can't imagine what would compel a person to tell their best friend that she has held them back like Serena did), but I was pleased to see that they didn't just hug and make up at the end. It seems like the show is fully committing to Serena vs. Blair for the time being, and that's probably the wisest choice for now.

Also, really quickly, Jenny clashed with her father over not going to school. While she obviously needs to go to school, I thought Rufus was pretty stupid in this episode. Jenny has some serious problems at school and he refused to even listen to her. Considering how much tuition must cost, he should at least make sure she isn't too terrified to go to school. And, let's not forget that while he's busy not understanding Jenny, he completely missed that Dan was out doing hard pills and getting thrown in jail. Oh, and apparently posing for a Mapplethorpe makes you a cool mom. Back when I was in high school, finding out your parents had naked pictures taken of them was just creepy. Oh how the times change!


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