Ah "Heroes," I knew sooner or later you'd let me down. Two good episodes in a row and we couldn't make it to three. Tonight's episode was just kind of bland and really didn't have anything more than the return of Papa Parkman and the appearance of Papa Patrelli. As always, let's break it down:
First off there's the brief appearance of a murderous Peter who showed up to kill Sylar and try to cut off the head of Mama Patrelli. He was unsuccessful at both, and when we left him, he was in a medical coma. Mama Patrelli was then visited in a dream by her previously assumed dead husband, who literally froze her in her chair. Meanwhile, the other Patrelli boy (at least with the name Patrelli), Nathan, found out that his mother was responsible for giving him his abilities. Tracy was along for the ride, but really didn't provide anything we didn't already know. Papa Patrelli showed up briefly at the end as well, as we found out he's been pulling the strings behind the Linderman sightings by having Papa Parkman create the illusion of him to control Nathan and Daphne.
As for Daphne, she was on some sort of mission to lure Hiro towards the dark side with Fear Man. Hiro got duped by Adam Monroe in the most unsurprising, but still funny, part of the episode (really Hiro? The Cantina?). He then had to kill Ando to prove to Fear Man that he was truly a bad ass and could join up with the villains. I personally don't think Ando is dead and that it's really Hiro just doing some fancy time stop trickery. We'll find out next week though I guess.
Mohinder showed up to continue his quest to being the least likable character of them all by killing a drug dealer and bringing him back to his secret lair. There, it appears, he plasters his victims to the wall a la Spiderman and studies them to find a cure for his deteriorating back. It appears he finally did what I'd been hoping for since the start of last year and killed off Maya, but for some reason, I don't think it's the last we'll see of her.
That brings us to the bulk of tonight's episode, where Noah, Sylar, and Claire were fighting over teh right was to deal with Stephen Canfield, an apparently misunderstood Hero that could create black hole like vortexes. Claire went to kill him, but instead became sympathetic of him, which didn't sit well with Noah. After Sylar saved Claire from Stephen's vortex, Noah tried to repay the favor by having Stephen suck up Sylar, a plot he just couldn't take, forcing him to plunge himself into his own vortex, once again killing off a promising character before we get the slightest chance to develop them. Sylar and Claire took each other's side against Noah, who gets more and more irrational with each episode. While all of this was going on, Meredith was taken captive by a new villain, Eric Doyle, who appears to be able to control people's movement.
This episode was lackluster as it was largely stagnant. It, like much of "Heroes," was a promising episode that was just executed poorly. The show obviously needs to leave some things unanswered to keep viewers coming back, but there are too many unanswered questions and bad plot holes to keep it making sense. Why did this whole mess start in the first place when Future Peter could have just come back and tell Nathan not to say anything as opposed to shooting him? Are we going to figure out what Parkman is really doing in Africa? And where the hell is Monica? I thought "Heroes" was coming back, but this week was very weak. Hopefully it can bounce back and keep me hooked.
Sidenote: Did anyone else find the different, explained intro strange? Same with the Nathan voiceover?
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