Apologies for the lateness of this review. That's why I'm the blog's Wildcard!
But seriously, folks. Sunny is back after a landmark season last year. And with a special hour long edition. I may be in the minority but I actually hate it when they run two episodes back to back. Its only a 13 episode season and it went by so fast last year.
Nonetheless, these two episodes brought the funny. In the first, Mac and Dennis decide to emulate "The Most Dangerous Game" by hunting poor Rickety Cricket. I love that they manage to keep bringing him back and somehow make his life even worse than they left it last time. A highlight was Cricket's run up the fire escape. Of course, Rickety starts doing better under the tutelege of Frank, who seems to confuse his own history with that of Rambo.
Frank was also the inspiration for the B-plot, Dee and Charlie becoming convinced that they've tasted of human flesh and found it sweet. I enjoyed this storyline more than the other one and it generated my favorite moment of the episode, their arrival at the morgue with a hot plate.
While Manhunters was good, it was The Gang Solves the Gas Crisis that won the evening for me. The mayhem here was inspired and I loved Mac, Charlie, and Dennis defining their roles as, respectively, the Brains, the Wild Card, and the Looks. Add in Frank as the Muscle and Dee as the Useless Girl and you've got a can't beat team. The scene in the bank was priceless (why don't you bang all three of us!) and the ending was hilarious. All in all, this was an excellent start to the season.
Mac and Dennis: Manhunters - B
The Gang Solves the Gas Crisis - A-
See you guys in a half hour for the liveblog!
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