I will say it right now: Heroes is back. This was a season one caliber episode, and for the first time since the end of that season, I finished an episode of Heroes with the frustration that it wouldn't be on for another week. The plot for this show is so scattered, that I think I'm going to do what I did last week and just break it down, thread by thread.
First of all, we had the biggest thread, Bennett and Sylar staring in their own buddy cop film. Ok, so it wasn't exactly Lethal Weapon, but it was pretty solid. Mama Patrelli decided to give her recently revealed son a chance by teaming him up with the adoptive parent of her granddaughter, just to make it a family affair. It undoubtedly seemed like Sylar would just run rampant, stealing powers, or that Bennett would try to kill him before he could, but surprisingly, they worked together. I couldn't help but feel excited that the two of them were working together. Ever since the Season 1 episode when Sylar went to his apparently adopted mothers apartment, seeking redemption for his crimes, I've always seen Sylar as a good guy gone bad rather than a bad guy through and through, so it was great to see that he can also be someone we root for.
The first mission for Bennett and Sylar was to get back the prisoners from Level 5 that were holding up a bank with Peter in the body of Weevil. Sylar, in now the second time this season I've laughed at something he's said, took control of the crime scene and gave Bennett the credibility and protection to go into the bank. This proved important, because just as Peter was saving Bennett from the rest of the Merry Men, Future Peter stopped time and pulled him out of there. (Sidenote: Is it just me, or is it really weird that everyone addresses Future Peter as a seperate entity from Present Peter? I mean, they're the same person) This allowed Sylar to jump in and save the day. This seemed like a nice moment until Sylar decided to help himself to Weevil's brain, sending him once again to his cell in Level 5.
While Noah was out fighting villains, all was far from quiet at the Bennett house. Claire wanted to ditch school to fight bad guys (golly I miss high school!) and Meredith was clashing with Sandra over who was really the best woman to protect the unkillable girl. Meredith, in a performance that would surely win mother of the year, took Claire to an abandoned freight container to teach her how to fight, but only really suffocated her and got Claire to reveal the shocking admission that she just wanted revenge on Sylar. This caused Claire in the end to leave home with a Primatech paper box, presumably to become Jaded Black Haired Claire of the Future.
Hiro and Ando meanwhile did what they do and provided some nice comic relief, which, for the first time since Season 1, was really fun to watch. Traveling to Germany to stop Daphne from stealing the other part of the formula, they really did nothing productive but crack jokes ("What kind of over-confident nemesis are you?"), but like I said, they were fun this episode. I think the two of them and Daphne are great characters for the show because they break from the super-seriousness of the rest of the cast. We also got to see the Haitian again, as he was delivering part of the formula, a task messed up by Hiro and Ando. They got thrown in Level 5, where they'll undoubtedly have a humorous confrontation with Mamma Patrelli next week.
Last, we have Tracy, who went to New Orleans to find out who Nikki was. Turns out Nikki is dead and Micah can briefly put aside his grief to help the ghost of his mother find out more information. Unfortunately, all we got this week was the revelation that Nikki and Tracy were born on the same day with the help of a Dr. Zimmerman, who revealed that there's more of them out there. Parkman was similarly short-changed on the plot, as all we learned was that the African guy can paint the future and the future has changed, which we already have been bludgeoned to death with. At the end, Parkman went all Issac Mendez on us, so that should be interesting for next week.
So while I poked fun at a lot of elements of the episode, and there were a lot of issues with it, this episode was the most fun and entertaining an episode of Heroes has been since we still thought saving the cheerleader would save the world. Heroes needs another episode like this next week for me to truly believe in its second coming, but for now, I'll take it.
P.S. Notice this was a good episode and there was no Maya or Mohinder? Also, where is Monica? She had such a cool power.
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