So last night we finally got to see Vince start making the steps towards rebounding his career, albeit just financially. His first step came in the form of singing a song at the sweet sixteen party of the daughter of Kevin Pollack and Fran Drescher. It was refreshing to see a couple of actors not playing themselves for a change, and very refreshing to see Fran Drescher wasn't obnoxious. The plot of the scenario was pretty weak, mostly focusing around Drama's latest collapse, but had its bright moments. The biggest thing I disliked about it all was that Turtle was hardly even there. So far this season, he's only been the smart ass dropping one liners occasionally, but really hasn't been as funny or used as well as he has been in the past. Eric was practically worthless in this episode. It seems all they really have him doing this season is calling Ari to report on what's going on. They need to find a place for these two characters, otherwise it's going to get very boring very fast.
It seems fitting that on the same night Jeremy Piven won Best Supporting Actor in a Comedy Series, this episode, in which he literally was kicking ass and taking names, should air. The adventures of Ari are always the best when they show is human side as well as his agent side, and I'd say that this episode definitely had that. While the prank war was not really a unique idea (see: How I Met Your Mother), the way they set it all up was. When the cops ripped off their shirts, I about died laughing. The culmination of it all, in which Ari defends the honor of his wife and comes home and acts like a truly caring dad was one of the moments in which Ari doesn't come off as a really human and oddly touching moment that shows that as loud and crude as Ari Gold is, he's a family man at heart.
Overall, I'd say this episode was very reminiscent of the first couple of seasons, in which the rich Hollywood game was played with a touch of silliness thrown in. Between T.I.'s desire to do a movie with Meryl Streep and the super rich family that is throwing a party for their slutty 16 year old, this was like Entourage of old. We'll see if they can keep this up next week.
Grade: B+
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