Last night's Entourage was the episode that should have happened a long time ago. Ever since the first episode, Vince has been portrayed as an unstoppable movie god that could do no wrong, even when he did. In "Unlike a Virgin" however, he finally got the comeuppance he deserved after dropping out of the "Aquaman" sequel.
The crux of this episode was easily the question of Vince's career. Last week we saw him struggle with returning to Hollywood and this week we got to finally see him struggle with his own failures. Ever since we saw the brief clips from "Queen's Boulevard," I've always thought of Vince as a particularly poor actor that, somehow, survives every bad decision that he and Eric make. Sure, there needs to be drama and everything can't go well, but the fact that Vince has been untouchable has always bothered me. Finally, we saw Ari tell him the truth: he needs to stop screwing over Hollywood if he wants to make more films. It was refreshing to finally get something realistic in this show, which in the last season and a half has shifted from being about playing the Hollywood game and more about living the life of a movie star.
The secondary plots of the episode were actually pretty good. When we found out Drama had kept his girlfriend in last week's premiere, I knew it was only a matter of time before his quirks would get in the way and somehow sabotage it. The way it played out was classic Drama, but that doesn't seem to get old to me. Turtle also provided some of the funniest bits of the episode with his attempts to score with the girl at the video wrap party. The only thing I actually didn't like about the episode was Eric's attempt to get the hillbillies to be his clients. This plot line so far has been done only halfway, so if the writers want it to be intregal, they need to step it up. Otherwise, good episode.
Grade: A-
P.S. Since we're poor college students, shows on premium cable channels for the most part won't get reviewed until the night after it airs, but all network and basic cable shows should be up that night.
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