Thursday, May 29, 2008


Sorry it's been a bit quite here in the early goings. TV has been heading into its summer hibernation, Jon's in Europe, and I've been slaving away at work. All that aside, the finale of Season 4 of Lost is upon us this evening. It looks like the Oceanic Six are going to make it off the island tonight, the great question though, is how? With Kate and Sayid being surrounded by Richard and The Others (or Hostiles?), Sun on a boat full of explosives, Hurley with John Locke and the Orchid, and Jack running off into the jungle to find him, I'm really interested to find out how in the hell they're all going to meet up and hop on that helicopter. I guess we'll just have to find out. To tide you over until 8pm EST, here's a terrific article from Slate about how Lost is getting good again. I'll be back later with my take on the episode!

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