Wednesday, January 21, 2009

Tailgating Lost

T-2 hours till the season premiere of Lost and I'm pretty pumped. In case you're looking for some Lost-related ways to fill the time, here's some cool links:

The first Doc Jensen article of the season is up and it is, as always, excellent. Be warned though that while there aren't any overt spoilers he does seem to give away something that was surprising (to me anyway).

Doc also talks to Darlton Clindelof about season 5.

Here's an excellent interview with Damon Lindelof that goes into a lot of stuff about how the strike altered season 4 and features an especially interesting answer towards the end about the casting process of Ben.

USA Today does a pretty good job of recapping where we left everyone and has a pretty good interview to boot.

And from io9, a compendium of the best Lost shout-outs and parodies.

That's about it. See you guys after the show for the recap!

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