According to Variety, the long put off animated series being produced by Arrested Development's Mitch Hurwitz, Sit Down, Shut Up, has been given a firm air date by Fox. The show will run Sunday nights at 9:30 starting on April 19.If you don't know what the show is, it's a remake of a live action show from Australia about a group of teachers at a school, but it's about teachers as much as Arrested Development was about tax fraud. The cast for the show is amazing, including Will Forte, Jason Batemen, Keenan Thompson, Maria Bamford, Henry Winkler, and Cheri Oteri. It looks awesome, and apparently Fox is promoting it big.

Additionally, we've sort of put off talking about the rumored Arrested Development movie because, truthfully, we didn't want to get our hopes up too high, but at the end of the Variety article (link above), they had this little bit:
"Meanwhile, Hurwitz hinted that all sides are closer to putting together that long-rumored "Arrested Development" movie. The scribe said he was "really optimistic" that an announcement was imminent: "We have a deal more or less in place from Fox Searchlight," he said.
Hurwitz also quipped that he has a storyline in mind: "It's 'Valkerie' meets 'Hotel for Dogs.'"
Upon reading that, I blue myself.
Jonah adds: There is one catch to the AD movie and it remains Michael Cera. Says Jason Bateman:
"I know he's thinking about it, and we're all awaiting some finality to all of that so Mitch can get writing."
I guess he's busy making more winners like Nick and Norah's Infinite Playlist...
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