So this week is the big 100th episode of Lost and since I am a) beyond excited and b) in possesion of some time to kill, I figured I might as well do a little preemptive speculation. First, here's a classic:
Lost fans will remember this video from "Orientation" as our first insight into the Dharma Initiative. Given that the Swan is under construction right now, and given that the finale is titled "The Incident," it would sure seem like this is germane to what's going on. A couple thoughts:
1.) A lot of fan speculation has focused on Pierre Chang's (nee Marvin Candle) immobile arm, seemingly indicating that he lost it. Will that pay off?
2.) How exactly did Dan, who seemed to have a low-level construction job, get shipped off to Ann Arbor to pal around with the Dharma braintrust? Did he use some science or did he let them know that he's from the future and has some knowledge of what's going on?
Next, rumor has it there's a death coming soon, and with just three episodes and four hours left, I wouldn't be surprised. So now seems as good a time as any to bring back the death pool:
Juliet - 4:1 - Juliet's always been a little more expendable than some of the A-team and this season has had a lot of Skate (although all the Lost fans I know prefer Sawyer and Juliet to any other pairing out of the four of them). It depends on where season six is heading, but its easy to see her as being less important than other characters.
Miles - 6:1 - Now that we know his deal, Miles becomes a little more expendable. There could surely be use for a ghost whisperer on an island littered with dead people, but then again, I thought they'd need an anthropologist too.
Lapidus - 9:1 - Lapidus is expendable, likeable, and in danger, so its possible. However, they haven't spent a lot of time with the present day and it seems like any sort of death would be kind of rushed.
Ben - 10:1 - Speaking of the present day, is Ben really going to be able to quit trying to kill Locke cold turkey? His life is depending on it. Still, I think Ben's going to stick around until season six.
Faraday - 15:1 - He's the only person we know with a flashback episode (tonight's!) and, once he explains the time travel stuff and yells at Charlotte he's probably expendable. Still, he's a fan favorite and there's still so much Faraday story left to tell that I think he could be safe.
Rose/Bernard - 20:1 - Hey, remember them? Honestly, if they're still alive I'll be shocked.
Desmond/Penny - 25:1 - Awkward news about the actor's alleged activities aside, Desmond was last seen having been shot by Ben. Still, he seemed okay enough to get up and kick the shit out of Linus, so I think he's probably fine. And Penny doesn't seem to be in any danger anymore.
Eloise Hawking - 30:1 - I wouldn't be surprised if she's up for some kind of Matthew Abaddon style death, but she seems kind of out of play (in the present...)
Sayid - 35:1 - Hey, where's he been?
Richard Alpert - 40:1 - Not until we catch up to the point on the timeline where he patches Locke up and gives him the compass.
Radzinsky/Horace - 45:1 - They're probably safe thanks to time travel too, but we know they both die at some point.
Hurley - 50:1 - I doubt they'd kill Hurley. That would be awful.
Jin/Sun - 65:1 - Not until they reunite.
Kate - 70:1 - Please? Pretty please? With sugar on top?
Sawyer - 80:1 - Doubtful.
Locke/Jack - 100:1 - They're in it until the end.
All right guys, that'll just about do it. Enjoy "The Variable" and I'll see you back here afterwards.
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