Over the summer I signed up for this Dharma Initiative thing ABC was doing to pump up fans for the fifth season of "Lost." It was pretty lame at first, but just last week, it was turned over to Damon Lindelof and Carlton Cuse as a place for them to share stuff with fans before they hit the web en mass. The first big spoiler came today as a scene from Season 5 was sent out to those on the email list. (NOTE: READ NO FURTHER IF YOU WANT TO WAIT UNTIL JAN. 21 FOR LOST TO RETURN ON ABC) The scene shows Kate and Aaron, happily at home when there's a knock on the door. Kate goes to answer it and is greeted by a lawyer and some other silent dude telling her they have a court order for her to have a blood test to determine if she's Aaron's actual mother. Kate refuses to let them in and the lawyer refuses to reveal his client, so Kate tells them they need the Sherrif to get her out of her house. When they leave, she rushes upstairs, packs a bag, money, and a gun and tells Aaron they're going on vacation. Dun-dun-duuunnnnn! The clip will hit the rest of the web in 48 hours, so be sure to look for it then!
Jon adds:
Here's the video:
I think the most interesting and obvious question this raises is who hired the lawyers. My first instinct is Ben or Widmore, since they're the only people with the means and a tendancy towards manipulation. Of the two, it seems to me that Ben actually has more to gain by making Kate want to run. If he's looking for a reason to make her want to go back to the island, then this seems like a good one. Actually, the more I think about it, the less upside I can see for Widmore to be behind it. Just one and a half months!
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