Well, it's hard to believe it, but another season of How I Met Your Mother is over. The good news is that is has been renewed for another year of awesomeness, but for now, we have "Miracles." After a bit of an off week with last week's "Everything Must Go," the HIMYM team was back in full swing, delivering a pretty solid episode. Nothing cracks me up more than Marshall's childlike obsession with the supernatural, and his adamance about the magic of miracles couldn't have been done better. I also highly enjoyed the slow-motion-Radiohead-backed-oh-my-gosh-Ted's-in-the-hospital segment, ending in Ted eating Jello. But gags aside, this episode offered a few great plot points that will certainly play a big role next season. First of all, it was good to see Ted and Barney finally make up. Barney has always been great at providing the funny parts to stories where Ted overanalyzes, and the last few episodes, the lack of Barney has weighed the Ted plot lines down. As for Barney and Robin, it's something that has obviously been brewing since they played laser tag in Season 1, and Robin was vastly underused this season, so it will be nice to see her back again. Lastly, we have the Stella Proposal, which is what will make this summer a long one. A lot of fans either don't think or don't want Stella to end up being the mother, but I don't think I'd mind. Sarah Chalke is a terrific actress, and if the writers can bring out more of the quirkiness she has on Scrubs, I think people will come around to her a little bit better. I don't think she'll end up being the mother, just because there hasn't been the "Yellow Umbrella" story, but hey, there's still time. For now though, we can rest easy for the summer, knowing the game will be back in McClaren's in the fall.
Grade: A-
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